Windows Servicing

A Simple SetupDiag UI

Profile picture for user PaulW

SetupDiag is a command line tool created by Microsoft for troubleshooting Windows 10 Upgrade issues.  The lack of a UI makes it difficult for the average person to use.  I built a basic UI to run SetupDiag.exe in online mode directly on a computer that has failed its upgrade.  I make this available through Software Center and use the "Repair" button to allow running on demend.

For the UI, I decided to employ something I'd been meaning to start working with since the last MMS and the presentation on WPF forms in PowerShell.

Feature Update Troubleshooting

Profile picture for user PaulW

This summer, I completed my Feature Update from 1803 to 1909 for my company.  The deployment went pretty smooth using the feature updates deployed from CM and then Martin Bengtsson Toast notification script (v 1.6 at the time).  At that time, it didn't handle Feature Updates.  So I added protocols and scripts to help with that.  I'll look at another article to talk about that.  This is mainly a blog of troubleshooting that went into feature updates for me this summer.