About Me

I am the Senior Full Stack .Net Developer for a software company in the Minneapolis area.  As a former systems engineer/systems admin of 20 years, I still spend time in Configuration Manager, Intune and PowerShell building tools to make sys admins lives easier.  In between, I am writing PowerShell scripts to fill gaps or automate daily tasks that I no longer want to spend time manually doing.   PowerShell is an excellent complement to the .Net dev work I do now, and any systems engineer, for that matter.  I also have found myself doing a ton or custom reporting out of the CM database.  So, my SQL skills have gotten pretty sharp too.

My “claim to [sysadmin] fame”, if you can call it that, was the rewrite of David O’Brien CM documentation script.  I presented it (in 2-3 minutes) at the MMS tips and tricks session in spring 2018 and scored myself a Surface Book 2 in the process (just for showing something at tips and tricks. Although, I’d like to believe that it was one of the cooler items presented).  I also got a chance to present at MMS 2016, MMS 2019 and hope to again in the future.

When I’m not “playing with computers”, I spend time with my family and operate our antique tractors and steam traction engines at shows around the area.