SSRS Report Chassis Expression

Profile picture for user PaulW

To change the Chassis to their common names as described here, use this expression to convert the 36 chassis numbers to their names (like lunch box and pizza box, or more common Desktop, Laptop, and Portable):

=Switch(Fields!ChassisType.Value = 1, "Other",Fields!ChassisType.Value = 2, "Unknown",Fields!ChassisType.Value = 3, "Desktop", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 4, "Low Profile Desktop",Fields!ChassisType.Value = 5, "Pizza Box", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 6, "Mini Tower",Fields!ChassisType.Value = 7, "Tower", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 8, "Portable",Fields!ChassisType.Value = 9, "Laptop", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 10, "Notebook", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 11, "Hand Held", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 12, "Docking Station", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 13, "All in One", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 14, "Sub Notebook", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 15, "Space-Saving", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 16, "Lunch Box", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 17, "Main System Chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 18, "Expansion Chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 19, "Sub Chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 20, "Bus Expansion Chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 21, "Peripheral Chassis",Fields!ChassisType.Value = 22, "Storage Chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 23, "Rack Mount Chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 24, "Sealed-Case PC", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 25, "Multi-system chassis", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 26, "Compact PCI", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 27, "Advanced TCA", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 28, "Blade", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 29, "Blade Enclosure", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 30, "Tablet", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 31, "Convertible", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 32, "Detachable", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 33, "IoT Gateway", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 34, "Embedded PC", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 35, "Mini PC", Fields!ChassisType.Value = 36, "Stick PC", true, Fields!ChassisType.Value)

Provided the Field name you are converting is ChassisType, you should be able to copy that verbatim.

Note that the technet blog above lists all 36.  The core documentation for the SystemEnclosure Class is less than that.

(really, this is just a post for me to always remember it by)

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